MRT logoMaterial React Table

    Expanding Sub-Rows (Tree Data) Feature Guide

    Material React Table has support for expanding sub-rows or tree data. This feature is useful for displaying hierarchical data. The sub-rows can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the expand/collapse icon.

    NOTE: This feature is for expanding rows of the same data type. If you want to add expansion of more data for the same row, check out the Detail Panel Feature Guide.

    Relevant Props

    Usage Docs

    The data for the table to display. This array should match the type you provided to table.setRowType<...>, but in theory could be an array of anything. It's common for each item in the array to be an object of key/values but this is not required. Columns can access this data via string/index or a functional accessor to return anything they want. When the data option changes reference (compared via, the table will reprocess the data. Any other data processing that relies on the core data model (such as grouping, sorting, filtering, etc) will also be reprocessed.

    TanStack Table Expanding Docs

    Enable this setting to automatically reset the expanded state of the table when grouping state changes.


    No Description Provided... Yet...


    No Description Provided... Yet...

    (dataRow: TData) => TData[]

    No Description Provided... Yet...

    () => MRT_RowModel<TData>

    No Description Provided... Yet...

    (row: Row<TData>) => boolean
    TanStack Table Expanding Docs

    If provided, allows you to override the default behavior of determining whether a row is currently expanded.

    (row: Row<TData>) => boolean
    TanStack Table Expanding Docs

    If provided, allows you to override the default behavior of determining whether a row can be expanded.

    originalRow: TData,
    index: number
    ) => undefined | TData[]
    TanStack Table Core Table Docs

    This optional function is used to access the sub rows for any given row. If you are using nested rows, you will need to use this function to return the sub rows object (or undefined) from the row.

    TanStack Table Expanding Docs

    Enables manual row expansion. If this is set to true, getExpandedRowModel will not be used to expand rows and you would be expected to perform the expansion in your own data model. This is useful if you are doing server-side expansion.

    IconButtonProps | ({ table }) => IconButtonProps
    Material UI IconButton Props

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    IconButtonProps | ({ row, table }) => IconButtonProps
    Material UI IconButton Props

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    TanStack Table Expanding Docs

    This function is called when the expanded table state changes. If a function is provided, you will be responsible for managing this state on your own. To pass the managed state back to the table, use the tableOptions.state.expanded option.

    TanStack Table Expanding Docs

    If true expanded rows will be paginated along with the rest of the table (which means expanded rows may span multiple pages). If false expanded rows will not be considered for pagination (which means expanded rows will always render on their parents page. This also means more rows will be rendered than the set page size)

    'first' | 'last'

    No Description Provided... Yet...

    Relevant State Options

    Record<string, boolean> | boolean
    TanStack Table Expanding Docs

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    Enable Expanding Sub-Rows

    To enable expanding sub-rows, you must first set the enableExpanding prop to true.

    However, your data must also be formatted in a way to allow for expanding rows that are in some way related to each other. By default, Material React Table will look for a special subRows property on each row of your data, and treat any array of rows that it finds as the sub-rows for that row. You can customize and override this behavior by passing a custom getSubRows prop.

    const data = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'John Doe',
    subRows: [
    id: 2,
    name: 'Jane Doe',
    return (
    getSubRows={(originalRow) => originalRow.subRows} //default, can customize


    Open Code SandboxOpen on GitHub
    DylanMurray261 Erdman FordEast DaphneKentucky
    RaquelKohler769 Dominic GroveColumbusOhio

    Rows per page

    1-2 of 2

    Source Code

    1import React, { FC, useMemo } from 'react';
    2import MaterialReactTable, { MRT_ColumnDef } from 'material-react-table';
    4export type Person = {
    5 firstName: string;
    6 lastName: string;
    7 address: string;
    8 city: string;
    9 state: string;
    10 subRows?: Person[]; //Each person can have sub rows of more people
    13export const data = [
    14 {
    15 firstName: 'Dylan',
    16 lastName: 'Murray',
    17 address: '261 Erdman Ford',
    18 city: 'East Daphne',
    19 state: 'Kentucky',
    20 subRows: [
    21 {
    22 firstName: 'Ervin',
    23 lastName: 'Reinger',
    24 address: '566 Brakus Inlet',
    25 city: 'South Linda',
    26 state: 'West Virginia',
    27 subRows: [
    28 {
    29 firstName: 'Jordane',
    30 lastName: 'Homenick',
    31 address: '1234 Brakus Inlet',
    32 city: 'South Linda',
    33 state: 'West Virginia',
    34 },
    35 ],
    36 },
    37 {
    38 firstName: 'Brittany',
    39 lastName: 'McCullough',
    40 address: '722 Emie Stream',
    41 city: 'Lincoln',
    42 state: 'Nebraska',
    43 },
    44 ],
    45 },
    46 {
    47 firstName: 'Raquel',
    48 lastName: 'Kohler',
    49 address: '769 Dominic Grove',
    50 city: 'Columbus',
    51 state: 'Ohio',
    52 subRows: [
    53 {
    54 firstName: 'Branson',
    55 lastName: 'Frami',
    56 address: '32188 Larkin Turnpike',
    57 city: 'Charleston',
    58 state: 'South Carolina',
    59 },
    60 ],
    61 },
    64const Example: FC = () => {
    65 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(
    66 //column definitions...
    94 );
    96 return (
    97 <MaterialReactTable
    98 columns={columns}
    99 data={data}
    100 enableExpanding
    101 enableExpandAll //default
    102 />
    103 );
    106export default Example;

    Expand All Rows Button

    By default, Material React Table will show the expand all button in the expand column header. You can disable this by setting the enableExpandAll prop to false.

    enableExpandAll={false} //hide expand all button in header

    Expanded Rows Pagination Behavior

    By default, Material React Table will treat expanded sub-rows the same as any other row when it comes to pagination. This means that some expanded rows may be on the next page. You can change this behavior by setting the paginateExpandedRows prop to false.

    paginateExpandedRows={false} //expanded rows will be on the same page as their parent row

    Expand All Rows By Default

    You can manage the initial state of the expanded rows with the expanded state option in either the initialState or state props.

    For example, you may want all rows to be expanded by default. You can simply set the expanded state option to true to do this.

    initialState={{ expanded: true }} //all rows expanded by default

    DylanMurray261 Erdman FordEast DaphneKentucky
    ErvinReinger566 Brakus InletSouth LindaWest Virginia
    JordaneHomenick1234 Brakus InletSouth LindaWest Virginia
    BrittanyMcCullough722 Emie StreamLincolnNebraska
    RaquelKohler769 Dominic GroveColumbusOhio
    BransonFrami32188 Larkin TurnpikeCharlestonSouth Carolina

    Rows per page

    1-2 of 2

    Source Code

    1import React, { FC, useMemo } from 'react';
    2import MaterialReactTable, { MRT_ColumnDef } from 'material-react-table';
    4export type Person = {
    5 firstName: string;
    6 lastName: string;
    7 address: string;
    8 city: string;
    9 state: string;
    10 subRows?: Person[]; //Each person can have sub rows of more people
    13export const data = [
    14 {
    15 firstName: 'Dylan',
    16 lastName: 'Murray',
    17 address: '261 Erdman Ford',
    18 city: 'East Daphne',
    19 state: 'Kentucky',
    20 subRows: [
    21 {
    22 firstName: 'Ervin',
    23 lastName: 'Reinger',
    24 address: '566 Brakus Inlet',
    25 city: 'South Linda',
    26 state: 'West Virginia',
    27 subRows: [
    28 {
    29 firstName: 'Jordane',
    30 lastName: 'Homenick',
    31 address: '1234 Brakus Inlet',
    32 city: 'South Linda',
    33 state: 'West Virginia',
    34 },
    35 ],
    36 },
    37 {
    38 firstName: 'Brittany',
    39 lastName: 'McCullough',
    40 address: '722 Emie Stream',
    41 city: 'Lincoln',
    42 state: 'Nebraska',
    43 },
    44 ],
    45 },
    46 {
    47 firstName: 'Raquel',
    48 lastName: 'Kohler',
    49 address: '769 Dominic Grove',
    50 city: 'Columbus',
    51 state: 'Ohio',
    52 subRows: [
    53 {
    54 firstName: 'Branson',
    55 lastName: 'Frami',
    56 address: '32188 Larkin Turnpike',
    57 city: 'Charleston',
    58 state: 'South Carolina',
    59 },
    60 ],
    61 },
    64const Example: FC = () => {
    65 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(
    66 //column definitions...
    94 );
    96 return (
    97 <MaterialReactTable
    98 columns={columns}
    99 data={data}
    100 enableExpanding
    101 enableExpandAll={false}
    102 initialState={{ expanded: true }} //expand all rows by default
    103 paginateExpandedRows={false}
    104 />
    105 );
    108export default Example;